Meet Bong

Bong originally joined Venrock in 2009 and has been doing public and private investing since 2004. He did his medical training at Harvard’s Mass Eye & Ear Infirmary (ophthalmology), Stanford Hospital (internal medicine) and UCSF (pathology).
Bong works predominantly on Venrock’s public and cross-over biotech fund, Venrock Healthcare Capital Partners.
Bong has sat on the board of directors for Artiva Biotherapeutics, AveXis, Inc. (acquired by Novartis for $8.7 billion) and RayzeBio, Inc. (acquired by Bristol Myers Squibb for $4.1 billion). Bong sits on and has sat on the board of directors for two AAPI focused 501c3’s: ElevAAte and CACF.
Bong earned his B.A. from Yale University, his M.D. from the University of California, San Francisco, and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.